Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun's shining or not...
Last Monday in October and Sniff is so ready to take a break from
all things Halloween related 😂 He has been my model throughout
the month for my Halloween pictures. Truth is, Sniff is my all
time everyday model for everything. He makes me happy.
Today I see two specialists. I home the ENT will be able to give
me a "cure" for my allergies/stuffiness that has been going on since
April of this year. It's been a long time and I'm ready for some relief.
The nights are the worse. I usually have to get out of bed
very early because I'm usually having a difficult time breathing.
But I'm hoping today I will be better after seeing the ENT.
I will also be seeing a lung specialist. I have also been
coughing since April of this year, but I also believe this is related
to my sinus infection. So today I kill two birds at once.
A broken wing simply means, you have to find
another way to fly. Have a wonderful day people...