Aug 19, 2023

Saturday August 19 ~

I saw a guy at Starbucks yesterday. No iPhone, no tablet,
 no laptop.  He just sat there drinking coffee, like a psychopath...

 Sometimes just a simple thing can bring a smile to 
your face, and suddenly everything seems so much 
better.  Well this did it for me the other day ☕

This morning when I woke up Sniff didn't get out of his bed.  
He's still there "resting"  The wildlife is in full swing and all have
been fed.  I even walked down the slope to leave food for 
the two deer that the other five always chase away.

Sniff is still catching up on sleep.  Last night he saw
 a fly and that kept him busy for quite some time.  I don't 
see the fly right now.  My Sniff is a fierce hunter😂

It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
 nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the 
one that is most adaptable to change...
