Jun 30, 2023

Friday June 30th~

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game...

 Definitely looking forward to going back home to Fort Myers, Florida. 
 The months are whizzing by and before we know it, October is her 
and homewards bound we go. Fridays downtown Fort Myers is 
something both Arvid and I enjoyed very much, and 
we can't wait to get back and "live" again.

Back home we just walk to everything, and that is part of the 
charm of living downtown.  Here in Branson we also have The Landing, 
which we really like, but lately it has been difficult to get there.  

Work is taking keeping us really busy and most of the work is physical, 
and always running from one place to another.  Keeps you in shape,
 and by the end of the day all you want to do is NOTHING ๐Ÿ˜‚

My leg is really becoming problematic.  I do not think I have ever
 had this much pain.  It irritates me because I have so much to do and 
no time for this.  I still do everything, but slower, and that irritates 
me even more.  I'm not a patient person, least of all with myself.

Good day to all.  The weekend vibe is around the corner, loving it, 
even though I will be working it.  On a different note, the doctor in the 
emergency room asked me if I was using a can or a walker to ease
 some of the pain.  I looked at him and just said, "I'm sure that's next"

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor...


Jun 29, 2023

Thursday June 29th~

You will face many defeats in life, 
but never let yourself be defeated...

 It's been almost three weeks now that I am living 
with excruciating knee pain.  It all began with the sound 
of a pop, and before you knew it I was down.  Hurt like 
hell, but nothing compares to how it hurts right now.

After weeks of unbearable pain, I finally decided it was 
time to get it checked out.  I really thought I was having
 a mayor blood clot.  My leg all the way from the knee
 down has no circulation and feels like lead.  Yes, its 
heavy and nothing helps with the pain.

I have to work at Almost Home. I am up and down 
the steps several times a day, and yes during it all my knee 
is swollen and every so often it pops and I go half way down, 
but I have to work and no matter how much my knee
 hurts, there is nothing I can do right now.

I finally gave in and went to the emergency room. 
 I woke up at 4 in the morning just so that I can be
 done in time to get to work for 9am.  After X-rays and
 an ultrasound, I found out I had no blood clot.  That was 
definitely good news, but the pain has not gone away.  
In fact today it hurts in a VERY, VERY bad way.

The X-rays showed that I have a pretty huge cyst in the 
back of my knee.  The remedy is draining the cyst or getting 
a cortisone shot.  The reality is that I have not had time as
 yet to even call and make an appointment.  Today I will 
definitely try because the pain is pretty unbearable.

I don't have the luxury right now to not show up 
at Almost Home.  Our goal is to get it up and running 
and in there, I do not have the time to be "sick"

To all a good day.  Let's hope your day is better than the
 ones I have been having most of this month.  Time to take
 a bunch of Tylenols and hope I get a little relief, because
 today is going to be another busy day at Almost Home.

It might sound obvious but ups and downs of life are just part of life...


Jun 27, 2023

Tuesday June 27th~

Sometimes it feels like my life is just one long day...

 June is soon over, and we could not be any happier
 about that๐Ÿ™Œ.  For us it has been a LONG month.  Going 
back and working at Almost Home has not been that easy this 
time around.  We still do what we have to, but boy our body sure 
aches at the end of the day. Age is catching up on all of us๐Ÿ˜‚

Food has a way of making me forget about my
 long days, about the body aches and everything else,
 at least for a little.  Those outings we have together 
always relaxed us and recharges us.  Just thinking 
about food and I am already smiling.  Happy

The next time I am bored and I want a job, I will
 think of this past month, and who knows maybe then my
 desire to have a job won't be so great, although I doubt it.

Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one
 at the end of a long day makes that day happier...


Jun 26, 2023

Monday Again ~

The light at the end of the tunnel is well
 worth the journey it took to get there...

As the new week begins I am ready to tackle it and make
 it an amazing one.  Arvid and I have a goal in mind and we are
 working very hard to make sure we do not have to take back 
Almost Home Lodge.  If this means I work seven days a 
week, then so be it.  I am visualizing the end line.

I feel as if I am neglecting Sniff even though I give him brushing,
 playtime and lots of love when we get home in the evenings.  
I love him so much that I am already stressing about him 
being alone, and I am already missing him so very much.

I have great expectations for this week and I will be doing my best 
to make it happen.  Good morning and a good day/week to all.

If you need something to believe in, start with yourself...


Jun 25, 2023

Sunday ~

Sleep did not honor me with its presence...

 Sniff seeks the sun wherever it may be.  He has specific 
spots everyday and makes the most of the sunshine in each
 of them.  Everyday he does the same thing.  Today I want to
 be just like Sniff.  I just want to let the sun warm me up and 
do nothing else.  That right now sound like a perfect day.

Sniff knows how and where to find his sunshine and
 boy doe he find it.  Today should be our relaxing day.  Let's
 see how that goes ๐Ÿ˜‚ Lately it's been a hit or miss so far.

Today I am going in for a few hours to being training
 the new office manager at Almost Home.  A good day to all

I feel like I am already tired tomorrow...


Jun 24, 2023

Saturday June 24th ~

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going...

A short day at work today.  Happy about that, and hopefully
 nothing "unexpected" happens, but on the other hand just about
 everything that happens has a touch of the "unexpected"

Yesterday was a long day, but it was productive and a lot 
was accomplished.  Arvid and I expect the people working for us
 to be as hard working as we are.  I think we expect too much.  

Lately my patience level has been almost non existent.
  Today I had to tell the maintenance man that he spends too 
much time talking and doing absolutely NOTHING!

When Arvid and I work we just work with no breaks an 
stopping in between.  We both even forget to drink something
 during the day.  We don't expect anyone else to work this way, 
well maybe I do, but that will never happen.  Unless people
 are told what needs to be done NOTHING gets done.

We are back to fully running Almost Home.  
That I don't mind, for now because as long as it's not 
permanent we will both do and give everything we
 have to bring it up back to the way we had it.

Saturday.  Definitely hoping it will be a short day.
  Good day to all and may your day be peaceful and relaxing.
  As they say, either you run the day or the day runs you.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
 but the size of the fight in the dog...


Jun 23, 2023

Friday June 23rd~

Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves...

 Morning is here and I am recharging for another long
 day ahead of us.  Ever since we got here at Almost Home many 
changes have taken place.  One always hopes for the best.

We have already hired a new maintenance man and we are in 
the process of doing the same for the front desk/office manager.  

This is our third Friday at Almost Home.  The last two 
we were just too tired to do much more than come home, 
shower, watch some TV, sleep and get ready to do the same the 
next day.  Nothing is different today, but we always say, "today 
we will definitely do something.  Just the two of us."

Arvid and I really enjoy quiet time alone with each other and
 after a week of hearing people talking and listening to everyone's
 clash of  personalities we look forward to being all alone. 

A good day to all.   I remember when the weekends were 
approaching how excited I was to see what it holds.  Today
 I am still looking forward to it, but we also work some of it.

The best preparation for good work
 tomorrow is to do good work today...


Jun 22, 2023

Thursday June 22nd~

 If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time...

Even though we go in to work everyday, I still manage
 to make lunch so that we can eat at home.  I start early
 in the mornings and finish it up when we get home
 for lunch.   I have a window of half an hour if so
 long to finish up lunch.  We're both hungry ๐Ÿ˜‚.  

Today I have not made anything for lunch.  We plan on
 checking out a place recommended by one of our tenants. 
 The grilled cheese sandwich is supposed to be amazing, and I
 plan on trying it, that is if we don't change our minds and 
go elsewhere.  At least today I don't cook.  Nice break.

The days are beautiful.  Weather is great and lately
 we have been running from one hotel to another. 
 Arvid and I are also part owners of a second
 hotel here in Branson.  Called the View.  

It a very distinctive building.  Very hard to miss. 
 It's really cute and looks like a castle.

My "baby" is and will always be Almost Home, but I am
 wanting to run it on a daily basis.  For now whatever needs to be 
done we are helping with.  Sniff is getting a little neglected.  He still 
gets brushing and playtime, but now everything is more rushed.

A long day awaits us again, but the end result is worth it. 
 My day always begins on a beautiful note. 

If you don't build your dream,
 someone will hire you to build theirs...


Jun 21, 2023

Wednesday June 21st~

One part at a time, one day at a time, we 
can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves...

 Age is definitely catching up on me because I come home 
drained from Almost Home.  I know it's not all physical.  Most
 of it is mental stress for Arvid and I.  There is so many things
 going through our minds right now, it sure ain't funny.

While Arvid deals with getting the actual building 
and the maintenance back to what it was, I deal with the
 tenants and payments.  What's missing are guidelines, which
 we have been implementing daily together with Kurt.

Halfway through the week. but I feel as if we have been
 put through the wringer, but we are definitely seeing our efforts
 have not been in vain.  Always a good feeling and it makes 
each day a challenge to see how much can be accomplished,
 and if it can't then there is always tomorrow.  But we try for 
as much as we can in one day.  Some days are harder.

I look forward to the early evenings when I get to spend
 more time with my deer friends.  Mornings are now rushed,
 but evenings I have a tad bit more time to "talk" to them.

The only limit to the height of your achievements is the
 reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them...


Jun 20, 2023

Tuesday June 20th~

A recipe has no soul.  You, as the cook,
 must bring soul to the recipe...

 On Sunday we were invited to a Bavarian restaurant
 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  We were 7 and this turned out to 
be one very pleasant evening.  The food just kept coming.  I even 
had sauerkraut soup, and I have to say it was not bad at all.

We started with an appetizer that was different from any I
 have ever had, and that was also delicious.  Between
 the soup and appetizer I was was already full.

The main course was a selection of duck, which I have to say
 was super moist and tender. Steak Madagascar, of course I had this
 and was delicious.  Arvid decided to go with the jager schnitzel. 
 Everything was super delicious.  Company was excellent.

Dinner was later than what we are used to, but well worth it. 
  The drive to get to the restaurant was a little over an hour, 
but also well worth it because we sure had a very good time.

Sniff is already in his spot.  Today will be another good day
 for bird watching and a few catnaps in between.  He's a happy boy. 

 There is nothing in the world that good food cannot fix...


Jun 19, 2023

Monday June 19th New Week ~

There are still many causes worth sacrificing
 for, so much history yet to be made...

 Today is a Federal Holiday here in the USA, called Juneteenth 
commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. 
 This is a fairly new holiday so not very well know as yet.

Aside from more work, nothing else is new here.  Still 
working at Almost Home trying to get things back in order.  We have
 long days with no pay ๐Ÿ˜‚but we have the satisfaction of knowing
 things will run well again when we are no longer in Branson.

No matter how busy our day is, Sniff never misses out 
on playtime, brushing and a loving.  He's my happy place
 and for him nothing is ever too much.  I love my Sniff.

In case you need a reminder, in life there are no set rules.

Good morning and a great week to all.  Setting goals is 
the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Extraordinary things are always hiding 
in places people never think to look...


Jun 18, 2023

Sunday June 18th ~

It's the little things that make life big...

 Looking forward to an entire day at home
 with Sniff.  Just like the good ol' days ๐Ÿ˜‚

Getting ready for the week ahead.  My wildlife is well stocked for now.
  Have to do a Walmart run later today and stock up on sweet potatoes and
 carrots for the groundhogs.  This Chewy delivery had nothing Sniff.

Yesterday my little friend ate his foodies and decided to just relax for a little. 
 I chatted with him and he/she just looked at me with those big beautiful eyes.

Looking forward to a relaxing Sunday at home.  Today we 
have been invited to a Bavarian restaurant.  Looking forward 
to that.  Happy day to all and enjoy it to the fullest.

When you go through something, you learn to
 appreciate little things – the birds, trees, flowers๐ŸฆŒ...


Jun 17, 2023

Saturday June 17th~

Either you run the day or the day runs you...

 Officially the weekend has begun, for us it's another work day. 
 We can be "found" at Almost Home Lodge.  Hopefully this will 
not be a very long day, but somehow I think I am mistaken.

As we continue to "slave" away ๐Ÿ˜‚Sniff continues to live
 his best life.  After all, that's how it should be right?

This week has been a long one, and it's not yet over ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Good day to all and for many here in the good ol' USA, 
this is a 3 day weekend.  Enjoy, relax and have some
 fun while many of us have to go to work ๐Ÿ˜‚

Someday is not a day of the week...
