My mother is a walking miracle.
She’s the only reason I’m able to do what I do...
Mother's Day here in the United States of America. What a
great way to celebrate mom by allowing her to sample of of my
sisters delicious creations. Yes, my baby sister is officially "the baker."
And I couldn't be any prouder. The "job' gives her satisfaction, but all
those wonderful creations do not just appear. It takes work. Time,
dedication and a lot of love and patience. Check her out on:
I do not have many pictures of the time I was a little girl,
not with my parents nor sisters. The few I have I cherish dearly
not with my parents nor sisters. The few I have I cherish dearly
and on Mother's Day I always refer to my favorite picture
of my mom and I. So many years ago. My favorite.
A mother understands what a child does not say.
If I have done anything in life worth attention, I feel sure
that I inherited the disposition from my mother.
Happy Mother's Day to my mom and sisters, and to all the
wonderful mothers for all the sacrifices made to see their
children become strong, compassionate, caring human beings.
If we know what love is, it is because of you...