The best people are born in April 😂...
Birthday month begins, and many of us have birthdays
in April. Definitely a popular month in our family.
I'm not one to believe in stuff like this but if it works in
my favor who am I to disagree. According to my zodiac sign,
Aries the following supposedly true: Aries, the first of the 12
zodiac signs, meaning that they are usually initiating. They are
energetic and driven. Passion lights the fire in them. Now tell
me, how can I disagree with this when it happens to be true😂
Start of our journey to Branson also begins. Looking
forward very much to it. Best of all we have a few nights in
North Carolina at my parents' home. So happy to be seeing
them so soon again. Happy that Arvid suggested we do it.
I don't like leaving Sniff for so many days. He's not
used to being alone. I stress everyday with the thought of
leaving him when we go to Norway. That will be a long
long time away from him. Always on my mind 😢
Sniffs favorite spot. Soon I will be back to get him and
take him to Branson. For now he will be taken good care of
by Gail. Everyone loves Sniff and there is no more to say.
Birthday wishes to all born in the month of April, including Arvid,
Sniff and myself. April is a happy month and festive month. It's also
the month my parents celebrate another year of marriage 🎉.
Travelling is physically tiring but mentally refreshing...