Mar 7, 2023

Tuesday March 7th ~

If you look the right way, you can see 
that the whole world is a garden...

Another doctor's appointment and I am hoping she does not
 recommend a full body scan.  Just had one done a few years 
ago and I believe my next one is due not this year but next year.  
This is now related to my once upon a time Thyroid cancer which 
has been in check for many years now.  It didn't bother me then, 
does not bother me now.  I am just lucky it was not worse.

I believe I wore my scar well and it's just another something 
that makes my life even more interesting.  I have had enough
 "interesting” for a while so if I don't have any additional "surprises"
 in the next few weeks I won't be disappointed either 😂

2014 my baby, my Brutus was still alive.  Together he and
 I went through my isolation period.  I had taken a radiation pill 
and had to be isolated.  Arvid went to Chicago, where I met up with 
him after the 3 day isolation.  Brutus was with me.  He was in the
 living room.  Me in the bedroom.  Eventually I opened the 
door to the bedroom for him.  He cried non-stop.

Today I am of course doing good.  My thyroid medication 
has never been stabilized since the day I started taking them
 in 2014.  Every time I go to the doctor the dosages change as do
 my weight, and not to my benefit at all.  Arvid loved me skinny, 
now he has more to love 😂  Not sure if that's a good thing 😂

Good morning all, a reminder that no matter what happens
 in life our attitude really makes a big difference.  I still have 
some tests coming up this month but I feel good and I know 
no matter what the results are, I will have to deal with it.  
Arvid and Sniff are always there as my support system.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year...
