Mar 13, 2023

Monday March 13th ~

The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, 
the more you can attract great things into your life...

 Daylight Savings Time suits us well.  We are fortunate that we 
work from home.  For Sniff, Arvid and I it's "business as usual."

We have had a very nice weekend.  Spent yesterday with family 💚
and looking forward to more time together.  Life is good to us.

As the new week begins, we will still be experiencing glorious 
weather.  Many still not having the warmth as of yet.  No bueno
Sunshine State is just sunny as can be.  For my sisters and 
parents, winter is still hanging on.  Same for so many.

The 25-foot statue, Unconditional Surrender Statue recreates
 the famous embrace between a sailor and a nurse celebrating
 the end of World War II in New York's Times Square in 1945.  
Today it is displayed along the Sarasota Bay.  

Today, there are multiple statues, such as in Normandy, France, 
San Diego, California, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Hamilton, New Jersey, and 
the original in Sarasota, Florida. In 2010, Jack Curran, a WWII veteran,
 purchased the Sarasota statue and a lease on the bayfront for ten years
 for $500,000 and donated it to Sarasota. The 10-year lease agreement 
expired in June 2020, it now belongs to the city of Sarasota. 

May this be a week of many accomplishments for all of us.  May we 
also remember that when we focus on the good, the good gets better.

Good moods are contagious. Dance in the direction 
of your dreams. Sing a song of rainbows. Listen to 
your heart. Write yourself a happy ending...
