Mar 1, 2023

March 1st ~ New Month Begins ~

 Blossom by blossom the spring begins.  Hello March...

March first begins with a bang.  Our nephew Gabsy was born 
on this day some 25 years ago.  Also Max, my eldest nephew 
was born in March, and making it even more special was
 the birth of our two eldest granddaughters in Norway.

Definitely a good month, but on the other side of all things
 good there is always something not so good.  March of 2016 
our little Shadow died.  He was left in the care of a very good 
friend while we visited my parents in North Carolina.  To this 
day neither Arvid nor I can deal with the way he died🐾

March is going to be a busy month for me.  I have many
 doctors appointments to take care of.  These are all follow 
up to my breast cancer.  I know all will be good, but
 still scans, X-rays and what nots have to be done.

We have been having beautiful days/nights ever since coming
 to Florida in September of 2022.  It has really not rained at all,
 and unfortunately that's not so good  We need the rain, 
but at the same time what glorious weather we have.

In Branson I love taking pictures of the Ferris Wheel.  Here I 
enjoy taking pictures of the Luminary Hotel.  Pictured above.

March is going to be a very good month.  Family is visiting and
 we get a few trips to Fort Lauderdale to see and spend time with them.

Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures 
of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations. 
 It is never too late to be what you might have been...
