Oct 11, 2022

Tuesday October 11th~ ๐Ÿ’ž

Show me someone who has done something worthwhile,
 and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity...

The dark clouds sure have a beauty of their own.  Walking 
around our area a little everyday, and we are finding more
 and more places that once they "recover" from hurricane
 Ian will become even more beautiful that before.

There are police cars everywhere right now. 
 Many are just there to make sure that people obey the
 curfews and not trespass in areas deemed unsafe.

Fort Myers Beach has reopened to its residents.  People are going 
and checking out what's left of their home, their businesses. Rescue
 continues in the area.  People are still missing. As of right now it's 
been reported that 123 boats have sunk in Fort Myers Beach.

Arvid, Sniff and I are still in a kind of limbo situation, even
 so it is nothing compared to what others are living.  Once again 
we have been fortunate in this big disaster affecting so many.

Most of us would agree… It has been a tough time. 
Conflict, loss, setbacks, and challenges seem abundant 
these days. And for some, it feels like one thing 
after another on this crazy journey called life.

Adversity is anything in life that causes you to stumble.
 It’s the hard times, the challenges, and the losses...
