Oct 30, 2022

💞 Sunday October 30th ~

 A man who can laugh at himself is truly blessed,
 for he will never lack for amusement.  May you never 
lack confidence and always believe in yourself... 

I woke up very early again.  A lot going around in my head lately. 
 Sniff is by my side but sound asleep.  He keeps wanting to be by 
my side more than ever lately.  Maybe he knows something I don't.
  Whenever one of us is not feeling so great, Sniff is always
 there to "watch" over us.  Just like Brutus used to do.

We're finally getting a little order inn our place.  Most of the
 furniture is here, and we have finally been able to empty out 
the suitcases.  Arvid's stuff is all packed away, of course.  
Mine that's another story.  It's a work in progress

.As I sit and reflect on my life, I can say for sure that it's not
 perfect, but I have a family both here in the US and in Norway
 that makes it a good life.  I have love from both sides and I know 
that I can count on both my Norwegian family and on mine.
  It make my heart happy.  We have a very special bond. 

To my family.  To Victoria, Michael, Michelle and family just 
know how grateful I am to know that we are family and that I love
 you all.  I'm also grateful to be a part of our special circle of love.

Sometimes we must look outside our own backyards to
 realize how big the world is and how blessed we are...
