Oct 16, 2022

Sunday October 16th~๐Ÿ’ž

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, 
some come to clear your path...

 The tike work is underway.  Finally we will soon start to 
get organized, for now we live in a room and the rest of
 the place is all dusty.  Not complaining.  After it's all
 done it will look so much better than before.

The one who it seems to have affected the most is Sniff.  
He feels trapped in the room without knowing what is going
 on, nor understanding why it is he does not have access to the 
rest of his home.  Yes, life is sure hard on little Sniff ๐Ÿ˜‚

That's him trying to claw his way out of the room.  He has such 
attitude.  He has everything he need in this room, yet he acts as
 if he's a prisoner.  He cries and cries.  At the end of the day he 
gets out, then he runs right back into the room.  Go figure.

Slowly but surely we will soon be organized.  Everything will
 be thoroughly cleaned and we can begin to enjoy Fort Myers and 
everything it has to offer.  Definitely looking forward to that.  

Sunday is usually our "relax" day.  Today will be a little
 more hectic than usual, but as we all know life happens and we
 just have to go with the flow.  In the big picture, we are
 doing pretty good compared to so many others.

A little tired, Sniff a little scared also, but still doing good.  
To all a good day and make it an amazing one.

October 16th 2006, Brutus chose us to be his guardian
 parents, and we chose him to be our little boy.  Sixteen years ago.  
Brutus died in 2015, 7 years ago.  We do think of him often 
and miss his.  Our Brutus took a piece of us with him.

 In the end, you always have a choice...
