Jul 26, 2022

Tuesday July 26th ~

 I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever 
situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater
 part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not
 by our circumstance but by our disposition...

On Sunday Arvid and I found a new little spot on Table Rock Lake.
  I am sure it will soon become a favorite of ours.  Amazing views

We decided to look for a different place to go, but the criteria 
was that is should be on the water.  I love Google, it took me 
straight to several places soon to be 🙏discovered by us.

As soon as we got there it felt as if we were in a different place. 
 Arvid said it reminded him of Puerto Rico and the Bahamas.
  It has an island vibe.  Live music and just everyone jammin'

Even though it was sweltering hot, it didn't stop us from walking
 around and checking out the vies and the little gift shops all around.

Of course once Arvid saw this "other" side of Branson
 he was more interested in discovering more of it.  I also 
wish to see more.  When we first came to Branson in
 2016, we never had time to do much.  Now we do.

We look forward to finding more of these "gems" we never 
had the time to explore.  As Arvid said, now it's getting interesting.

Arvid to me, "you know there is no rush to get back to Florida"  
Though it is HOT here in Branson, there is no humidity like there
 is in Florida.  Last year it was warm all through December 
(here in Branson), and that's what Arvid said to me.

We even checked out into renting a boat.  Of course Arvid's 
first thought was, "maybe we should buy a boat"  Hopefully 
I have been successful is dissuading him from that.

This lady saw me trying to take a picture of Arvid,
 not easy.  She snuck in without him knowing.  I thought 
it was funny.  Arvid as you can see not so much.

Life for us is always more interesting where there is water. 
 One thing about Missouri, it does have some amazing lakes. 

 Suddenly there is so much to be "discovered" and
 we look forward to doing so.  To all a very good day.  
There is nothing like a cheerful contended life.

Most important decision we should make every morning 
is to be happy and cheerful throughout the day. This one 
decision has the power to make our life magical...
