Jun 8, 2022

Wednesday June 8th ~

 The 3 C's of life: Choices, Chances,
 Changes.  You must make a choice to take 
a  chance or your life will never change...

These last two days were long.  That’s because
 we’re done with the remodeling of the rooms.  It’s
 back to not much to do.  Most would say this is good, 
but somehow for Arvid and I it sure feels weird.  
We feel guilty because we have free time 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have also been trying to stay indoors a lot. 
Not going and touching the grass or pulling weeds. 
 I have been bitten enough to know better. These 
little chiggers have made my arm look totally
 bizarre. They are covered with bites 😳

We finally managed to convince a family to move 
out.  In the process we got rid of a dog, 3 cats, 3
 adults and 2 kids. All in the same room. 

 When we took back Almost Home,
 we sure found the unexpected, but slowly
 we have made changes for the better.

The week is halfway done already.  Hopefully today
 will be a little busier so that the day passes by fast.
 Almost Home is usually very quiet except for the phone
 that never stops ringing, and that includes my cell phone. 
 Either it's ringing or tenants are texting me all the time.

  I have had texts at 2am, 3am etc.  I have
 had to put my phone on silent because it disturbs Arvid.
  The texts can usually wait until morning because they
 are never critical, just someone who works the late shift
 had a question.  Others have been because of the time 
difference.  That's what it's like to have a hotel.  You are 
needed 24-7, and just for nonsense most of the times.

Overall, I can't complain.  We have not had any 
disturbances at night.  We have had undisturbed
 sleep otherwise.  I hope I didn't jinx it 😂

To all a good day and as they say 99% of the
 battle is getting yourself in the right state of mind.

The days that break you are the days that make you...
