Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be...
The talk is all about the prices of gas going up,
and honestly it has skyrocketed. Then I get this from
and honestly it has skyrocketed. Then I get this from
a friend. Yup! Sure, went way up those prices.
Just a regular evening at home. Sniff
trying to get as close to Arvid as possible.
Sniff always take the long route to get
to his comfy spot. We just look and smile.
And yes, he sniffs everything and everyone in his way.
Work hard, play hard. The best of both worlds.
Today had our Brutus been alive he would have been
16 years old. Also had Shadow been alive he would have
been 6 years old. Mama misses you both very much and
we will always have a special place in our hearts for you.
Brutus, you took a piece of our hearts the day you died.
Remember that very little is needed to make a happy life.