Apr 6, 2022

Good Morning Wednesday ~

Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring...

Today Arvid said he felt like driving "my" car 😮, even though
he loves his Jeep.  He felt the need for speed as he puts it.  

My allergies are acting up.  Not good because I 
like to walk around and clean up around the property 
whenever I can.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to stop 
sneezing and sniffling.  Hope it get better soon.

 Sniff, he makes me happy.  Everyday.  Always.  
He always looks at us with those big eyes.  makes me 
guilty leaving him home all on his own every day.

Another day begins.  Yesterday it was very warm. 
 Beautiful day in the 70's F.  Today is also a good day, 
a little cooler temperature, but for me it's perfect.  Wishing 
everyone a good day.  Make it an amazing one always.

In the spring, I have counted 136 different 
kinds of weather inside of 24 hours...
