Mar 31, 2022

Throwback Thursday ~ Life In The Bahamas

 Collect adventures and experiences to reminisce
 about…go to far places, meet new people, eat 
exotic foods, enjoy all varieties of women, look
 on unfamiliar landscapes, see new things...

Looking back.. years ago when Arvid, 
Brutus and I had a home in the Bahamas.

Life was simple and the beach was our backyard.

I had the best of times walking along the beach collecting shells.

Arvid and I making our own beach, with some help of course.

Life has taken us many places.  Each holds something special. 

Sometimes it's OK to reminisce, but not to stick
 around in the past for too long.  We had a very good 
life then.  Brutus was still alive and I could not 
have been happier.  We miss him very much.

On the other hand, we also have a very good life 
today.  We have Sniff and he makes me so very happy. 
 We love our Sniff so very much.  Things change.  
Life goes on.  Change is not always bad.

Good morning to all.  Branson is in full bloom πŸŽ•

It's Thursday.  Look back and be grateful...


Mar 30, 2022

New Day Wednesday

 Don't miss out on something that could be
 great just because it could also be difficult...

Sniff finds comfort in the closet under my clothes.
  Whenever I don't see him, I know where he took off to. 
 And yes, he gets clean linens to lay on there as well. 
Sniff is never not well cared for and loved.

Allery season is here, and once again I have it in a bad way. 
 Started yesterday for me.  Nonstop sneezing and watery eyes.
  Yep, happy times ahead.  Will most likely have to confine
 myself in the office for some days, and that it not me.

One of my original tenants from 2017 checked out 
Monday evening.  Room already rented by Thursday.
  Robert, Arvid and I have a huge job on our hands. 
 First turnaround in this room in five years.

 First thing we did, mainly Arvid, was to remove trash.  
That includes furniture.  The tenants enjoy watching 
Arvid smash things apart.  No one like Arid when it comes 
to doing these things.  He is strong. He's a one man show.

When it comes to cleaning, then I get involved.  Together
 with our maintenance guy, we clean, and not to brag
 but I clean probably better than anyone I know.

My hands are all split open from bleach.  Yeah, gloves
 rip open, but cleaning does not stop.  My clothes are 
discolored from being on my knees scrubbing, and 
yes, bleach is all over them.  That's how it is.

I'm bone tired and today more of the same πŸ˜‚

Because this is our life and that's 
the only explanation you need...


Mar 29, 2022

Tuesday March 29th ~

 When I look into the eyes of an 
animal I do not see an animal.  I see a
 living being.  I see a friend.  I see a soul...

Maybe in the next few day Sniff might not be so happy.  
It's not as if he hates the vet, what he really dislikes is being
 in his carrier.  We believe that the person who gave him 
up to the shelter always kept him confined in a carrier.

My Sniff Sniff the apple of my eye.  He makes everything 
better and I love him more than words can express.

A good day to all.  Cats welcome.  People tolerated.

Pets are humanizing. They remind us
 we have an obligation and responsibility to
 preserve and nurture and care for all life...


Mar 28, 2022

Monday March 28th ~

 Focus on the outcome, not the obstacle...

The weekend came and before we knew it, it was over. 
 I did not have any time to relax much we were on the go all 
the time.  It's already Monday again.  The new week 
begins and ready or not, time waits for no one.

Though we didn't have  a lot of relax time, we did 
get a few important things accomplished.  Makes it all 
worthwhile.  Yes, we are ready to face a new week.

No matter how busy, how hectic our day is, I always 
make time for Sniff.  He gets brushed twice a day.  First 
thing in the morning and as soon as I get back home
 from work.  Sniff after all is my happy place.

Focus on the possibilities for success, 
not the potential for failure...


Mar 27, 2022

Sunday ~

 Open your arms to change
 but don't let go of your values...

The whole day off.  Sure sounds wonderful. 
What shall I do? It seems unreal.  Feels like
 I should be at Almost Home working.

I will just spend it cleaning, doing housework 
and just getting things in order for the upcoming
 work week.  Very exciting if you ask me.

You have not lived today 
until you have done something or
 someone who can never repay you.
  Old ways won't open new doors... 


Mar 26, 2022

It's A Good Day ~ Saturday March 26th

 Change is good.  Never get too comfortable...

Even though we go in to work on Saturdays, the day is
 a short one.  There is always something good about each day,
 and I always try to see the positive side of things.  My positive 
is it's a short day, and hopefully my reward will be Indian 
foodies.  Branson has the BEST Indian restaurant.

Sniff will be happy to see us home at a decent time instead of at
 the end of the day.  I get extra time to brush him πŸ’™, check out the
 birdies and fill their feeders.  Overall, not a bad day at all.  Happy 
day to all and don't forget to always look for the good in each day.

Change is good.  Sometimes it brings opportunity..


Mar 25, 2022

Friday In Branson ~

 Just because something good ends,
 doesn't mean something better won't begin...

One of our tenants received a dozen white roses from 
a girl he met. Next thing you know he's coming to the 
office and asking me if I would like them.  Who in their 
right mind would refuse?  I sure didn't.  They now
have a place at Almost Home.  Until they dry up.

Yesterday was another super cold day.  By the end of
 the day it did warm up a tiny bit.  Not much. My hands 
were cold, but my feet were warmer than the day before.

Mornings at work is always busy. The phone never 
stops ringing, but that is good as well.  Many people 
need a place to live so our list keeps growing. 

I finally got an open room coming up and I already
 have a deposit on it.  I call up the ones on my list and try 
to always select people without dogs.  I love animals, 
but they also cause disturbances I don't want.

Most people on my list have dogs.  Sometimes 
more than one.  For me that does not work.  So even
 though I have a long list waiting for a room, I am very 
selective on who I will call and allow to live here.  

Looking forward to a warmer weekend, and warmer 
days, but somehow winter just keeps hanging around.
  How much more of this do we have to go through?

The only thing that will make you happy 
is being happy with who you are...


Mar 24, 2022

Thursday March 24th ~

 I’ve learned over and over that life
 happens on its own terms, not mine...

Yesterday was just winter all over again.  It was just 
 super COLD.  Today and tomorrow won't be any different.  
Even with my winter furry booties, my feet never got warm 
throughout the day at work.  The sun did not come out at all.

On a good note, the food box is almost full of all sorts
 of goodies.  Many are complements of yours truly.
I'm really happy to be able to help everyone.

No matter what time it was yesterday, I never got 
warm. It felt exactly like one of those terrible, terrible 
winter days.  As I went out to get the mail, there was actually 
flurries and slight hail hitting me directly on the face. 

To be someplace warm right now sounds heavenly.  
Puerto Rico, I really miss you so, so much!

Yesterday I had videos of "my" kitties in Puerto Rico. 
 I felt so happy to see them.  The ones I saw were looking 
healthy, happy and fed.  I miss them so very much.

Even though life is busy, hectic and not the norm we 
were used to these last few years, I think of them often
 and wonder about the ones I know nothing about. Also,
 not a day goes by that I don't think of our Brutus.

Our life is busy.  There is no time for much more these 
days than work and more work.  On the good side, we are
 getting things straightened out here at Almost Home.

Sniff is doing good but has more alone time
 than he would like.  More than I like also.

Real life happens. Sometimes it’s messy. 
Sometimes it doesn’t work...


Mar 23, 2022

Wednesday March 23~

 One small positive thought in the 
morning can change your whole day...

Would you believe that just a few days ago we were 
sitting out in summerlike weather watching people 
enjoying water activities and outdoor dining?

It was the perfect day for families. Go carting was in full
 blast as were so many other activities.  Don't get me wrong, the fact 
that it feels like winter again will not stop people from coming
 to Branson right now, but boy it sure is better in the warmth.

Warmer days are coming, but they have not really made 
it here as yet.  We get a glimpse of it every so often, 
and then winter reminds us that she's still around.

Time for us to bundle up again.  Sniff will be
 basking inn his heating bed for the next few days
 while we still bear the brunt of winter.

Good morning and a good day to all.  Woke up way too early.

Don't think too much.
  Just do what makes you happy...


Mar 22, 2022

Tuesday March 22nd ~

Today is one of those days that
 even my coffee needs coffee...

It's only Tuesday, and boy did the week begin with a BANG! 
 From the minute I walk into the office the phone does not did ringing.  
Not unusual, but goodness.  We are full, and the list keeps growing
 of people needing a place to stay.  In this business, that's all good.

We've been having summer like weather for some days now. 
 Sunday was so beautiful we were able to sit outdoors 
and have lunch.  Perfect start of spring.

Unfortunately, yesterday the temperature just dropped.  
Branson for you. Suddenly the rain came accompanied by hail.
  Today, it will rain all day long it seems.  Again, Branson.

There is absolutely no time for us to do much.  I have 
been busy to the point I have not been able to call my mom as
frequently as I did.  Make me sad.  I love talking to her regularly.
  It will happen again, just need to get everything prioritized.

New day begins.  Based on my agenda, it should be less hectic, 
on the other hand yesterday was also supposed to be a less "hectic"
 day.  It was not.  Oh well.  Life happens, and we just roll with it.

By the way, the next time someone says to you, 
"a slot just opened up.  A wedding guest cancelled.  You 
are now welcome to take their place as the guest."  Just say 
thank you, but no thank you brother.  I made other plans.

I'm having one of those days.
  How about you?...


Mar 21, 2022

Life ~ New Week

 The man who has confidence in
 himself gains the confidence of others...

The squirrel is driving me crazy πŸ˜‚.  He eats all
 the food and no matter what I do, he finds a way to
 sneak up the feeders and gobble up the food.

Yesterday I caught him doing it again.  I ran down
 the slope as fast as I could.  I only slipped one timeπŸ˜….
 I cleared some limbs from this really prickly tree and in
 the process I must have pulled a muscle in my shoulder.

Now of course I hurt, but I feel ok because the
 squirrel has not been able to get to the feeder as yet. 
 My fingers are covered with thorns and splinters, but I will 
live 😊  I like the little squirrel, I even buy squirrel food, 
but he is intent on eating the birdies foodies as well.

Sniff is doing good. The weather is beautiful and though 
busy, life is full of wonder and all things beautiful.

Wishing everyone a good day. Enjoy your life. Live it. 
No matter what your circumnavigate, don’t wait for “better”
 times.  These are your better times. After all you are alive πŸ₯°

Three things you shouldn’t lose this week; your faith, 
your courage, and your smile. Happy new week....


Mar 20, 2022

Sunday To Relax ~

 Your mind will answer most questions if 
you learn to relax and wait for the answer...

Sunday, we have a day off.  Finally.  Suddenly 
you appreciate the little things even more. Planning
 on just relaxing, of course always a little paperwork 
that we need to catch up on. Overall, an easy day.

Yesterday we were only in the office for a few hours. 
It was absolutely QUIET!  Love it. We took our 
maintenance man and his wife out to lunch.

Of course we took them to our favorite place.  Drafts. 
 We had the chicken wings, and they had the much
 awaited chicken sandwich.  Everyone was happy.

To make this day "perfect" all I want is peace, quiet and 
no phone calls.  At work I am answering call all day long among
 other things.  Good to just take a break from the phones.

To all a good day, and may we all rest up for the week
 that awaits us.  Definitely looking good already.

Spring is here, and with that we hope warmer 
temperatures as well.  Hello first day of spring.  Let's
 not forget, where flowers bloom, so does hope

Sometimes, the most productive thing
 that you can do is to step outside and do
 nothing... relax and enjoy nature...


Mar 19, 2022

Another Day at Work ~

 Sometimes the best way to appreciate
 something is to be without it for a while...

Almost Home is full, it’s very quiet and we are
 getting caught up on what needs to be done.  Feels 
good and relaxing.  Makes for a peaceful day.

The other we made contact again with the guy who
 does the pest control every month.  He was surprised, and
 glad to see us.  And he also vacations in Florida. Preventive
 maintenance is what we are doing right now since everything
 is quiet.  Better now than when things do go wrong.

I have already learnt the names of all the tenants
 and their room numbers.  Arvid not as yet.  Names are
 not his strong point, but keeping the accounts in order,
 no one like him.  Together we work really well.

It feels good to be back and at the same time 
it’s strange.  Was definitely not what we expected
 when we came to Branson.  Life happens.

After almost nine days we are done cleaning the 
previous owners' room.  The condition it was in 
was terrible.  Today you could eat off the floors. 
It’s spotless. I know I could live in it.

I have been laying down the rules on a few 
people 🀫, Arvid said I am “meaner than a junkyard 
dog”. I am just firm. When Arvid is mad, the tenant
 is OUT!  We complement each other well.

I’ve been trying to bring my lunch to work rather
 than eating out everyday.  So far it’s a 50/50 thing.

Our days are busy. We get home and there is
 still more to do, but in the big picture all is going 
well, and Almost Home is running smoothly. 
 Can't and won't complain.  Could be worse.

Find peace, mindfulness and 
conscious purpose by being grateful 
for what you have in your life...
