Feb 21, 2022

Monday February 21 ~

 Life is an adventure, we get out of it what 
we put into it.  Let purpose consume you...

No better way to start the week.  Sniff by my side 
and the aroma of freshly brewed cafe.  I can already
 feel it's going to be another good week for us.

It's also going to be a beautiful warm sunny day again.  
When you live in a warm climate, like Puerto Rico or
 Florida one hardly mentions the weather much.  At least I 
don't, and that's because its always warm and sunny.  

When you live in colder climates, like Branson for
 instance, then every warm day is worth mentioning.  Now 
I understand why people always talk about the weather. 
 I can't believe I am now one of "those" people 😂

What's happening in your part of the world? 
 Spring is in the air, flowers will soon start to bloom.
  It's a happy time for all.  Happy new week to all.

By the way, do not bother seeing the movie Marry Me,
 even if it's "free" not worth it.  My opinion, although my 
"date" was captivated by it 🤷🏻‍♀️.  Still pondering why.

Strive for progress, not perfection...
