Jan 11, 2022

Tuesday January 11th ~ Cold Morning in Branson

 I alone cannot change the world, 
but I can cast a stone across the 
water to create many ripples...

Early morning in Branson.  Very cold and frost everywhere.

Where are my palm trees?  My sunshine?  Maybe this is a hint
 as to where we should be?  Stranger things have happened.

What's so very strange is that when I think of home the
 image that comes to me is Puerto Rico.  I know it's the last
 place we have lived, and all that went on there makes it a place
 I will always think of as home.  It is where I grew up after all.

That being said, at the end of the day, Florida is where
 I call home, and it's where one day we will return to.

The above are the pelicans always to be found on the pier at
 Lauderdale by the Sea.  Somedays I am not sure where home is.

Good morning all.  Hopefully you are having a warmer
 day than we are.  Sniff is smart to know that if he stays by
 the vent of the floor the heat will warm him up.

You may be disappointed if you fail,
 but you are doomed if you don't try...
