Jan 4, 2022

A Cold January 4th ~

 You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind...

My sister and her family in Virginia are loving the snow. 
 Having lived in California the last five years, they are 
so happy to be back in the land of winter and snow.

I am still waiting for the snow to come our way.  Arvid not.  
The most we have had are flurries and some icicles.

Soon even the icicles will melt 😞 because it's warming up.  
My hopes are on Thursday.  It is predicted to be really 
cold and maybe snow.  One can always hope.

There are icicles everywhere, and they sure capture my attention.

I ventured out in the cold this morning.  Did my 
first early walk.  Nothing like Puerto Rico, but was not bad.  
No kitties here to friend, but hoping to see the deer one of these
 days during my walk.  I heard them, but didn't see them.

Sniff has been enjoying his heating pad and also
 he loves when we cover him up.  He's not taking 
any chances on being cold.  Good morning all.

Positive anything is better than negative nothing...
