Dec 24, 2021

The Day Before Christmas ~

 When I miss you I remember we are under
 the same sky looking at the same moon...

Kimsy texted me yesterday.  She said, "I miss
 you so much.  No one to hangout with anymore."  I 
told Arvid and he said, "we miss them too and we 
also don't have anyone to hangout with either."

We bonded so much during the pandemic. 
 And I 
miss them so very much.  Kimsy 💕 is caring, loving,
 and considerate and so much more.  She made every 
moment we spent together more memorable.  Both her
 and Nirvana, my sister.  And I miss them so so much.

As the days go by since leaving PR 😢 I still 
anxiously await any news from "my" kitties" It
 makes me happy to know that they are alive, and at 
least some of them are getting some foodies everyday. 
 I'm sure the others are, but I don't know it for a fact.

Tis the day before Christmas.  Arvid and Sniff are still
 asleep. I think of all the Christmases past, and I am thankful 
for all of them, and for having shared the last 21 of those 
with Arvid, and look forward to so many more together.

  I am never sure where our lives will take us.  One 
thing I am sure of is that together we can do anything we 
set our minds on. Our journey is a continuous one, and
 together with Sniff we are making memorable memories.

Wishing everyone a happy Christmas Eve.  
Enjoy with your loved ones.  Many today will be
 spending it all alone, so if you have the opportunity
 to brighten their day please do.  Kindness
 is a gift everyone can afford to give.

How do we change the world?
  One random act of kindness at a time
