Oct 27, 2021

🙈 Wednesday October 27th ~

 Strong women aren't born that way.  Life 
throws at them curves, but they learn how to 
walk through storms and become stronger...

Yesterday I met with my sister Nirvan for lunch. 
We met halfway. Just the two of us.  Very relaxing,
 and good. We went to Luquillo.  We both had
 the entire red snapper with garlic sauce.  

I walked  around a bit checking out the many kiosks 
hoping to maybe find something I would like to buy.
  No luck I’m not one for anything that advertises
 anything on my T-shirts’ or anything else.

On my way back, somehow I managed to hurt my 
knee without falling or hitting it on anything 😅

Everyday is not always perfect, but at the
 same time there is something always to look 
forward to in each new day. Always. Always

Arvid went for our afternoon walk alone 😔 but 
I stayed in watched reruns of Law and Order on TV,
 and hung out with Sniff not a bad time.

Sometimes my mind strays, the tears flow, but I 
remind myself that life goes on and we have to keep
 moving forward always.  Some days are just a little 
more difficult, but it’s life and life goes on.

The last time I saw you plays over and over in my head...
