Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity
or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere...
or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere...
Sniff is getting into the Halloween mood. Already glaring
at me and I love it. He's a cutie and he makes me happy.
Seem like the weather forecast is wrong. The sun is
shining and I see no rain right now. Hoping it stays this way.
We have had enough rain already. October should not have
so much rain, but when you live in the Caribbean, there is no
norm to follow. Except of course, it's always warm 😍
Last night we made it to the movies. Arvid said he was not
taking any chances on being cold. He had on his "heavy" jeans.
T-shirt and took 2 additional sweaters and his jacket. What
you know, last night it was pretty warm at the movies 😂
Looking forward to catching up on some more reading.
Arvid and Sniff will be watching soccer games 💙. As
Sundays go, it's a darn good one. A happy day to all.
We are the products of our past,
but we don't have to be prisoners of it...