Sep 30, 2021

Thursday September 30th ~

Sometimes it’s just the little things that make you happy... 

Last day of the month.  Somehow the year 
has gone by pretty fast, and I'm not sure how and where.  
We got here in March and it's almost Christmas time already.  
There is Christmas decorations already in place in certain 
areas of the island.  A little early if you ask me 😂

Today I don't cook, so it's a good day.  lately I have not 
been too crazy about cooking all the time.  Running out
 of things to make for Arvid.  I'm easy because most of 
the time I eat mainly chicken.  Arvid needs variety 😕

Sniff has been very affectionate lately and we love it.
To all a happy day.  The US is ready to reopen 😍

We cannot all do great things, but we
 can do small things with great love...
