Jul 6, 2021

Tuesday July 6th ~

 Family is not about blood.  It's who's willing to
 hold your hand when you need it the most...

The other day as I was chatting with a friend, 
I brought into the conversation Aleah and Vanessa. 
 OUR granddaughters.  Thing is because I am not a blood
 relative to them many people when talking about them say 
"Arvid must be happy to see HIS grand children." 

 Sometimes even my own family would say something
 like this.  This bothers me because those little ones 💚
are as much MY granddaughters as they are Arvid's. 

 The fact that I am not related to them because of our 
bloodline has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it.
  I love them.  Simply as that, and when they are referred 
to as Arvid's grandkids it makes my blood boil.  

I have started correcting people.  They are OUR 
granddaughters, and anyone who thinks differently
 has no idea what it is to love someone so much.

For them I would do anything.  We may live far apart. 
 There is the language barrier, but what none of that
 matters because I just love them.  And I know they 💚
💚 love me.  I feel it when they hug me, and now I am 
missing them like a lot and i really want to hug them.

I hope they won't forget about me because I did not 
go this year.  Another thing we have to be "grateful" 
to COVID. I hope they remember me 💚💛.

Now my thoughts are in Norway.  Picturing the
 little ones laughing and laughing.  I am missing out 
on their hugs and kisses. Next year it will be.

Another thing that I always look forward to when in 
Norway is going to Victoria's and Michaels.  I always
 have a great time there.  Then there is no language barrier
 and conversation flows easily.  Victoria always puts
 out a feast fit for kings and queens💚💚

 Just thinking about it makes me hungry.  She and 
Michael set out a seafood banquet.  Better than any 
restaurant I have been to.  The girl has style.

Our last night has been at Michelle's and Emil's for some
 years now.  Also missing out on that and to spending time
 all of them.  Michelle makes a favorite of her dad's.

Spending time with family 💚💚 makes the heart and soul happy.

Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your 
life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you
 for who you are. The ones who would do anything to
 see you smile and who love you no matter what. 
💚💚 So be thankful for what you have...
