Jan 23, 2021

Saturday January 23rd ~

 Be happy with what you have.
Be excited about what you want...

Coming from Norway you would think Arvid would
 handle the "cold" better.  We are in the Sunshine State.  
Temperatures in the mid 70's,  (23C) yet when we go out
 walking Arvid is bundled up with double layers.

It has gotten warmer so Arvid is happier now.  We 
 have used the balcony one time since we got back from
 Puerto Rico.  Arvid still says it's too cold.  I go out
 and take my pictures and watch the boats go by. 

 I enjoy the cooler temperatures.  Sniff prefers more
 sunshine.  Have not had much sunshine since coming 
back home either.  Sniff keeps looking for it all day.

We are invited to a friends place for drinks at sunset,
 but Arvid really had to think hard before saying yes.  I told
 him it was OK to go, but he kept saying it was too cold.  Finally
 he agreed to do it, and I choose not to go.  This way he gets to be
 with a friend and I get to do something on my own.  Win-win.

There is always some car talk and always a little business.
A beautiful day here in Fort Lauderdale.  To all a happy day,

Don't focus on things that steal your joy.
Count the many reasons you have to be happy...
