Hang in there, as better times are ahead. he secret
of crisis management is not good vs. bad, it’s
preventing the bad from getting worse...
Saturday and I'm happy. The sun is shining and life is good.
No cooking for me today. Already an even better day.
Not that I mind cooking, but sometimes it's OK to not have
to. Arvid is easy to please when it comes to food.
COVID cases are once again rampant throughout the USA.
Just yesterday Florida saw a staggering 7,000 case. Hig numbers
considering it was getting a tad bit better a few weeks back.
Here in Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vasquez is taking it a step further.
In Florida Governor Ron DeSantis does not plan to do
much. From what I last read yesterday, he was not planning
to do much changes. All is still wide open. Not that I am
disagreeing, at the same don't know when we will see
an end to this "mess" It's way too crazy now.
Seems like we will be in Puerto Rico for some time.
We love it here so that's not a problem, but according to the
Governor of Puerto Rico, if COVID continues to be rampant we
may be heading into another LOCKDOWN!! That is not good.
A beautiful start of this day. Beautiful blue skies,
and no rain is predicted. It did rain earlier this morning, but
we were tucked in bed so that didn't count. Sniff is basking
in the sunshine once again. Seems like he sure missed it.
Happy Saturday to everyone. Stay safe, and keep your distance.
No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead.
That’s the only way to keep the roads clear. In the face of adversity,
we have a choice. We can be bitter, or we can be better 🎅...