A new week rolls in. A week full of promise, potential, and
endless possibilities. A week for you to pursue your dreams...
endless possibilities. A week for you to pursue your dreams...
The year is soon over. Seems like not fast enough right
now. 2020 so far has been one of the most terrible times the
world has and is still living. COVID has spared no one.
COVID sure has changed the way life was,
and most likely for many it has changed the way
life will be in the future. So much we take for granted,
hopefully when this is "over" we will not forget
what and who is really important in life.
One thing that is certain, we know that adjusting to
change can be challenging. Be it planned or unplanned,
gradual or sudden, change is inevitable and
very much part of being human.
Over the past few months, we’ve experienced an
unprecedented shift in our way of life due to COVID-19.
Pre-pandemic, who would’ve thought that toilet paper could
become as precious as gold! And now, a trip to do a weekly
grocery shop seems like an adventure of its own! Before we
know it, we’ve (reluctantly) let go of our old normal and
now settling into what seems to be our new normal.
Once again toilet paper is difficult to find in the stores.
SOLD OUT!! Not panicking, but it won't hurt to go and
get a few extra rolls of toilet paper. Just incase.
vaccine, and that this terrible pandemic will soon near its end.
One can hope and being positive never killed anyone.
Hello Monday. Let's get this week rolling.
and to feel every emotion in between, during this challenging
time. We are living in a situation that never happened before
(at least in our lifetime), and it is impacting each and every one of
us in a unique way. How we deal with it could be our saving grace.