Nov 6, 2020

Good Times ~

 Life offers you so many doors, it is up to
 you which to open and which one to close...

We have been having lots of rain, luckily yesterday
 it eased off at just the right time.  Time to meet 
with my sister and Kimsy for lunch. Happy 😍

 They met us by the beach and took us to lunch, after 
that we took them to our favorite Friday hangout. 
 Thankfully for those few hours it did not rain.

Of course the rooster and family made an
 appearance.  Yesterday there were quite a lot of chickens
 hanging around.  I counted 10-15.  Here in the island
 you never know who/what will show up.

Friday.  rain and more rain on the way.  It has already ☔
 rained.  It has stopped and it is picking up again.  Living on 
an island always make sure you have an umbrella with you.

A wet few days await us, and some.  America is still 
awaiting for the official announcement of who is the new
 president, even though everyone knows it is Joe Biden.  It's not
 yet "official"  Who knows by the time this is posted it will be.

Happy Friday all and to all a great weekend.  It will be 
wet days for us, but always warm with ocean breezes.

 Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live
 your todays.  Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all...
