Oct 8, 2020

Thursday October 8th ~

              The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...       

Not sure what we will do today, but I am hoping to go into
 San Juan.  Sniff needs some foodies and the Petsmart here in 
Fajardo does not carry what he likes.  Sniff only likes pate, here
 they only have the chopped ones in gravy.  Not his favorite.

Arvid and I are very happy with our little beach outing. 
 The beaches here have lots of palm trees so its very nice to
 just carry your beach chairs, a snack and something to drink.  
You sit in the shade and enjoy the tranquility of the blue waters.

We found our own tree and camped out.  Arvid said 
we may get a hammock.  He was so relaxed that he was 
almost snoozing away.  The sound of the ocean and the
 breeze is enough to put you to sleep.  So relaxing 🌴

We supposedly had an earthquake yesterday.  Didn't 
feel anything, but my sister keeps us updated with all the
 happenings.  She misses nothing as Arvid likes to say 😄.

Sniff has been going to one of his beds here.  At least 
yesterday he went on it voluntarily .  I'm happy because
 I hope that finally he will find his happy place here.

Life is all about making memories.  Creating
 memories is a priceless gift. Memories will last 
a lifetime; things only a short-period of time.

The beautiful thing about memories is that they😋
 are yours; whether they are good, bad, or indifferent. 
They belong to you, and no matter where you are now.
