Oct 25, 2020

That Sunday Feeling ~

If there is a heaven for me, I'm sure it has a beach attached
 to it. Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach...

Puerto Ricans love the beach.  For them to
 be on the water is the only way to live.

Growing up in Puerto Rico we lived the same way.
  Any chance we had we were at the beach.  All our weekends
 were spent on the beach with our parents and friends. 
 It was what one did when you live on an island.

Back then you took your hammock set it up and enjoyed 
the ocean.  As you can see, that has not changed.  People
 are still enjoying the beach with their hammocks.  

That being said, Arvid and I bought 2 hammocks last Friday. 
 I told Arvid that it would be really nice to have one on the 
balcony, before I knew it he was all into it times two.

Quiet day here.  relaxed and just enjoying the peacefulness of it all

Sniff is sound asleep.  Arvid has already watched one of his 
soccer games.  All is good here.  Wishing everyone the same.

It is not how much we have, but how
 much we enjoy, that makes happiness...
