Aug 13, 2020

Humor ~

Humor is a reminder that no matter how high 
the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom...

Humor sees one through some of the worst times in
 our lives.  It brightens our days and it makes everything seem
 more bearable.  Most of the times.  At least if it manages to
 bring a smile to your face, then mission accomplished.

Living during these pandemic times has also 
brought out the best in some.  Their funny side is 
always there to make light of an otherwise terrible time. 
 I for one am always seeing the humor and making it 
cheer me and others.  Nothing wrong with laughing.

Humor no matter what our social background, 
humor brings people together.  It's sort of a universal
 language which we can all enjoy and be a part of.

Happy day to all.  Sniff and I are awake and having
 some bonding time before Arvid gets up.

Imagination was given to man to compensate
 him for what he is not; a sense of humor 
to console him for what he is...
