Jul 1, 2020

Wednesday July 1st ~ To Better Times

New month, new day, new date, new chapter,
 new page, new wishes.  Welcome July...

As a new month begins one can always hope 
that this virus goes fades away.  One hopes for better 
days ahead.  I wish for a semblance or "normal"  The new 
normal suits me fine, but please come back soon.

July.. summertime is here.  Time to keep 
making memories and living life to the fullest. 
 No matter what is going on right now 🏖.

The heat wave continues, but as someone said, July in 
Florida is God's way of reminding us who's in charge.     

May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we
 please, but as the opportunity to do what is right...
