Aug 12, 2024

August 12th~ Thought For The Day

In a world where you can be anything, be kind...

Something to think about.  If more and more of 
us do this what a better world we would live in.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle 
you know nothing about.  Good morning everyone.  
Let's do something today to make someone smile.

When I looked into the eyes of our Brutus, Shadow and now Sniff,
 I do not see an animal.  I see a living being.  I see a friend.  I feel
 a soul and my heart is happy.  These furry little ones complete 
our lives, at least mine.  How can one NOT be kind to them?

Wishing everyone a day filled with promises of good things
 to come.  May the new week be filled with all things good. When
 the music hits just right, it becomes a day to remember.

When you are kind to someone in trouble, 
you hope that they'll remember and be kind to
 someone else.  And it'll become like wildfire...
