Jun 22, 2020

Monday June 22nd ~

A new day and a new week starts off fresh 
to accomplish your best.  Happy Monday all...

Not a bad way to start the new week.  Sitting on the 
balcony watching the boats go by, and to actually see
 one boat trying to pass another.  Pretty cool indeed 😮
though a little inconsiderate, but we enjoyed the show.

Made for a pleasant time and an interesting start of our day.

As always Arvid continues to keep check on how
 many people are on the boats.  Keeps him busy 
and so very happy, at times outraged 😀.

Sniff is still in bed.  Not ready to start the day as yet. 
 This COVID is really also getting to him. 😲

As the new day begins everything seems possible.
Yesterday we were lucky, it did not rain at all.  Just a
 little sprinkle, and that was it.  This is predicted
 to be a very hot week, but also dryer 🌞.

All is good here.  I am a little curious to know what new
 plan Arvid has in store for us today.  Always good to hear. 
Kills some time and it's also fun to think about, even if only
for a short time.  I never let myself  get caught up in it.

It's Monday.  Don't forget to shine...
