Jun 2, 2020

June 2nd ~Grateful

You will never look back on life and think,
 "I spent too much time with my family"...

Being apart for a little is good for any relationship.
 Always make me realize how much I love life with
Arvid and Sniff. A few days is OK, and then
 it's time to be home again with them.

I have had a great time in North Carolina.  I
already am missing my parents, but I am happy
 they are just a drive 🚗away.  Arvid is not so
fortunate 😢 his mother lives in Norway,
 and that is one very long plane trip ✈

Wishing everyone a happy day.
What are you grateful for today?

Strive to find things to be thankful for,
 and just look for the good in who you are...
