Mar 31, 2020

March 31st ~ Life Is Changing Everyday

Grief is in two parts.  The first is the loss. 
The second is the remaking of life...

Saying farewell to a loved one.  Today because of  
this virus pandemic many cannot say their final goodbyes
 to loved one.  You can see them through glass,
 but you cannot give them one last hug.

This family had a death of a loved one.  Because of the
 virus they were unable to say goodbye or have a funeral.  
They did the best under the circumstances.  It was a farewell
 by the river.  Red roses were scattered and something 
was read from a book.  I am guessing the Bible.

As we did our walk yesterday afternoon, we came
 across the roses floating along the river.  I stopped and
 for a moment I was very sad thinking of what's happening
 today.  I can't imagine not hugging the ones I love one
 last time.  This family did not have that chance.

Life goes on.  Little differently that what we are used to.

Everything is still.  It seems as if life just came to a halt.  Eerie.

Our neighbor is in New York.  She was supposed 
to be home over a month ago, but unfortunately 
she fell, broke her pelvis, and now because
 of the virus cannot get back home.

From her home she saw the US Navy Hospital Ship
 along the Hudson River as it made it's way to be docked in
 New York City, the epicenter of the US coronavirus outbreak. 
 These are a few of the pictures she sent to me.  Impressive.

This ship has 12 fully- equipped operating rooms 
and 1,000 hospital beds on board.  Help is here.

Happy news today: pet adoptions are way
up amid coronavirus crisis, even with shelters
closed to the public.  I just hope that after this
crisis people do not give up their pets๐Ÿ™

Back to basics is not so bad at all.  Hours on the balcony.
 Long walks, and drives.  Pretty relaxing and quite enjoyable. 
Life is full of surprises and you never know where
 it will take you and who will cross your path.

Uncertainty is life's way of saying that there
 are only a few things you can control...


Mar 30, 2020

New Week Begins ~ March 30th

The most beautiful way to start and 
end each day is with a grateful heart...

My faith in Arvid has been restored ๐Ÿ˜.  We had take-out
 yesterday and he did not make much of a fuss about it.  As
 usual he waited in the car as I went to pick it up.  He will
 not get close to anyone.  Says he might catch the virus ๐Ÿ™Š
There he is waiting in the car as I go in the restaurant.

Sundays are now becoming take-out days.  Hopefully 
take-out will not end as well.  Right now in Boston many places
 serving take-out no longer do.  Even that is not an option.

Aside from that we drove along the beach.  It was 
very strange to see no one on the beck.  We did see many 
riding bicycles and walking, but the beach is blocked off by
 yellow tape, cones and the presence of police everywhere.

We cannot complain.  There are so many people 
who have it so much worse.  My heart is in Branson and all 
the people at Almost Home.  They are in desperate need, 
I really wish I was there and could do a little more.

Once busy road and streets are now quiet.  The world is 
definitely changing before our very eyes.  Hopefully at the
 end of this virus, it will be a better world we live in.  The 
sacrifices being made today hopefully will not be in vain.

Another week in in isolation begins, but we are 
healthy, we have each other and we have what we need. 
Like everyone, we make the best of the situation. 
 Today tell me, what are you grateful for?

I'm happy because the other day Arvid gave in, and decided it was
 OK to have hot chocolate even though it is not cold.  It took a 
little convincing from me, but he usually see's the light.
It's the simple things in life that brings most joy.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough.
Be grateful, enjoy the little things...


Mar 29, 2020

Sunday March 29th~ Coronavirus Times

Life has changed, and I am changing with it...

So the media has made this into a real circus,
 and yes we are doing our part to stay away from 
everything and everyone.  Even so, the hype is sure wearing
 me out.  And no, I am not taking it lightly.  I have never
 experienced anything similar to what's happening
 right now, and I hope and pray I never will.

Life as we knew it suddenly no longer is.
 People are terrified of their neighbors. Yes, 
terrified of catching the virus.  

Take Arvid for instance.  He claims he holds 
his breath when he has to be close to or has to pass
 close by to another person.  That's a little crazy.

As you can see the roads are empty of cars. 
 There is no problem following the social distancing 
protocol we we go for our walks.  It's eerie to see 
almost no one around.  It's just not "normal" but 
what is "normal" today's world anyways?

Currently Port Everglades is caught in a dilemma.  
The question is what is considered the right thing to do?

If you let the ship dock, you expose the population to the 
virus, on the other hand if you don't you "watch" them die.  

So what do you do?  I know what I would do.
I would try to save every last person, even knowing 
I would put myself at risk.  Is that the wisest thing?  I don't
 know, but then how do I live with myself afterwards,
 knowing I could have helped and did nothing?

Good morning everyone.  We are all living through 
something we never imagined.  Hope the liquor cabinet 
is stocked, if not now would be a good time before that shuts 
down as well.  Stay safe, stay calm and stay positive.

Life is about change.  Sometimes it's beautiful. 
Sometimes it's painful.  But most of the time it's both.  
Life has no remote.  Get up and change it yourself...


Mar 28, 2020

Saturday March 27th ~

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world...

Humor always makes everything seem better. 
At least for a short while.  One is transported from a bleak 
situation to something "better"  Laughing and smiling 
frequently alleviates some of life's stresses.

I saw the above posted on Facebook.  It made both
 Arvid and I smile.  Hope it does the same for you.

Today my reminiscing take me back to California 
and time with Rima and family.  I miss them very much. 
 California right now seems so very far.  Everywhere 
seems far when you literally can't leave your home.

We all have our ways of coping with the current 
situation.  For us it's the balcony.  For Rima its her 
tropical outdoors and the sound of the birds chirping
 away.  Life is what we make of it after all.

In Australia Reshma is enjoying what time she has left. 
 It is now mandatory that she returns home to the USA. 
 Right now she is OK with that.  All things considered. 
 For now she still has some time left to live her down
 under adventure, which she is doing quite well๐Ÿ˜.

In Norway our granddaughters are spending lots of 
time riding their bicycles.  Vanessa the youngest, learnt 
how to ride hers.  Something good in every situation.

Sniff as always is relaxed.  He does different things 
at different times of the day.  By 4 in the afternoon he is 
sunning.  He loves the sun.  He's a Florida boy after all.

As Arvid did with Brutus, he now is doing some 
of the same with Sniff.  Just a few days ago, Sniff was 
not doing so good.  Not eating and just sneezing. 

 Arvid went on his knees. by Sniff's food bowl and 
sang to him.  Like Brutus used to do, Sniff ate some
 foodies.  Was a beautiful moment.  For us it was.

A beautiful day here again, only difference is we
cannot go out of our homes, even so we are enjoying
people watching from our balcony.  We are grateful because
 unlike many, we keep ourselves busy with little
 things to do while enjoying a pretty view.

There is always hope, even when you are at the
 lowest point of your life.  Keep believing.
 Whatever you are be a good one...


Mar 27, 2020

Friday March 27th ~ Isolation Continues

Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it...

Yesterday the highlight of my day was to 
be take out for lunch.  I was really looking forward
 to chicken wings.  We both were.  We got it and 
were disappointed.   Both of us.  Let's just say
 it did not live up to expectations.

Many hours on the balcony.  I think I can get 
used to this. It's very relaxing and fun to just observe
 what otters are doing.  At the same time enjoying
 our coffee/tea in the mornings.  Not all 
is bad during this quarantined time

We see people enjoying morning water sports.
 Laughing and having fun.  Because after all, we get
what we put into this life.  Life is meant to live.

During my picture search, I found some of Arvid
and I in Rome. We were there in August some years ago.
 It was extremely hot, but we had a great time.  In Rome
 I remember buying a few leather jackets.  Today
the belong to my  nieces.  Couldn't be happier.

Another beautiful day begins here.  Hope you
are all having a good one as well.  Isolation is not that
 bad after all.  Soon it's time for the balcony.

Good morning all.  Not our typical day awaits us,
 but we are doing good.  Like everyone, making the most of
 what's happening in our world right now.  As of today the
United Stated took over the lead for most Coronavirus cases.
 No it's not a competition.  It's just how it is. Life.

Good things come to those who believe, better 
things come to those who are patient, and the best 
things come to those who don't give up...


Mar 26, 2020

March 26th ~ Isolation Continues...

Hop on the phone, FaceTime, text, Slack, 
Google Hangout. We fortunately live in a time 
where there are many options to choose
 from to stay connected via technology...

No more Jungle Queen passing along the River.
This was one of it's "last" trips before everything
 was shutdown.  Hopefully soon "normal"
 life will be here again for all of us.

Even with the shutdown of "normal" coming and
 goings, there is still beauty all around us.  We just
have to look for it, for it's right in front of us.

I am enjoying seeing all the doggies out.  Having
long walks.Having quality time with their family, even
if sometimes the family is busy doing other things.

No matter what is happening in life,
 it seems like no one can really stay far from
their phones.  I include myself as well ๐Ÿ˜ญ.

With lots of time on our hands, I have been looking
 back at some of the different things Arvid and I have done.
 Places we have been.  Everyone holds a special memory
 and place in my heart.  Below are pictures of us
in Mexico.  An amazing time in our lives.

Every place we have been and everything we have
done has made us stronger and more connected.  Not
all has always been good, but it only made us more
determined to get it right.  Everyday is our promise
 to each other to always keep striving for more.

Good morning all.  How is your day so far?

Acknowledging the good that you already have in
 your life is the foundation for all abundance...


Mar 25, 2020

March 25th ~ Isolation Continues

Now it’s our time. We must sacrifice 
together, because we are all in this together,
 and we will come through together...

There is almost no traffic on the streets. The water 
trolley we use to get across from our side of the river
 to the other is still running, only difference is that
 there is never anyone in it.  The captain on 
the water trolley also wears a mask.

People today are spending more time with themselves and
 nature.  From our balcony and our walks we see doggies getting
 extra long walks many times a day.  People are riding their
 bicycles and getting more in touch with what's around them. 
 Something good is taking place during this terrible time.

Some things have not changed.  Arvid is consistent no 
matter what.  When we go for walks he would still stop 
and stare at all the different construction going on.

  Does not matter if we just saw it the day before. 
 Everyday he sees something different.  Yesterday, he 
was checking out the windows that are being put in, 
and he was also wondering why heavens the garage
 will be facing the water and not the actual units. 
Yes, there is still lots to discover together.

Though we are all living this "nightmare" of the 
coronavirus, some have it a little tougher than others. 
 We here in Florida have warm climate, the boats 
are still out on the water as of right now. People are 
still sunbathing, in their boats.  My sister in 
Vermont had a snowstorm yesterday.  

Every restaurant you walk by has a sign saying
 takeout and delivery only.  Businesses are hurting.
  People are hurting. This virus sure is changing our lives.

My thoughts are in Branson and that's causing me some 
sleepless nights. I can't stop thinking about everyone at 
Almost Home. Because we lived there, and because we know 
the situation everyone is facing that makes it too real for me.

I have ordered toilet paper online at a ridiculous price 
for some tenants in need.  I have supplied cat food for 
months to one of the older tenants there.  Can't have Bridgette
pictured below, my favorite cat at Almost Home starving. 

Yesterday I asked Arvid what can we do to help out.
I worry about the people there, because I know life 
is not easy.  I know there are many others going through
 the same and probably worse,  but I happen to know
 the ones at Almost Home, and I care for them.

As we enjoy our mornings on the balcony, 
Brutus is never far from our thoughts and our hearts. 
 I miss that little dude a lot.  He took some of my ๐Ÿ’“
We have been fortunate to have had Brutus, Shadow 
and now we have Sniff.  What are you grateful for?

If we don't feel grateful for what we already have. 
What makes us think we will be happy with more?...


Mar 24, 2020

Home Isolation Continues ~ March 24th

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are 
looking at the stars. The positive thinker sees the invisible, 
feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible...

I never thought we would be going to the grocery store 
and make a line in order to buy toilet paper.  Exactly what 
we did yesterday mornings  Publix opened at 8:00 am 
and we were there together with others waiting in line.
  Social distancing was definitely practiced at all times.  

Early mornings, always a good way to start the day.  
Publix was not that busy at that hour, and whoever 
was there was keeping their distance.  A fight almost 
broke out over someone getting too close to another.

This is what some of the shelves and freezer look like.

 I have no clue what's going on and why this frenzy.

I do miss some of the frozen vegetables, fortunately we 
still have a full stock of the fresh vegetables.  Not all is bad.

The above is the coffee aisle.  
Hmmm.. should I panic ๐Ÿ˜•?

America's grocery store workers are on the
 front lines of the coronavirus pandemic, helping to
 keep the nation's 330 million residents alive and fed
 in an uncertain and frightening time.

Publix like several other stores are placing limits 
on the amounts of items a customer can buy
 so that the the highest number of customers
 receive those items they need.

At Target in Fort Lauderdale, people have bought
 out all the cold and cough medicine as well
 as all paper items.   People are scared now.

With all that's going on, there is always something good 
to come out of it.  Pollution is less.  I read somewhere that the
 canals in Venice have blue clear waters once again.  

The environment is less polluted and people have to
 spend time talking to each other.  Yes, in every 
situation there is always something positive.

Though we are getting restless with this "isolation", 
we have found the time to do little things which on a
 "normal" day we would be too "busy" to even consider.

We are fortunate to have a balcony with an amazing view. 
 Kills some of this boredom period.  We always 
have something to see.  Keeps us busy.

Wishing everyone a happy day.  Always try to see
the positive side in each situation.  My role model 
right now in positivity is my sister Narima.  

She's full of good vibes and good energy that she transmits
 to all those who know her.  Love her like crazy. 
 My little sister far away in California

A positive attitude can recreate your reality.
Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing...
