Aug 31, 2019

Sunrise or Sunset ~

When the sun has set, no candle can replace it...

Too of my favorite times of the day. 
 Sunrise and sunsets.  Love them both.

Yesterday's sunset from our balcony.  
Had me looking at it for quite some time.

What everyone says it so true, there's a 
sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're
 absolutely free.  Don't miss too many of them.

Then waking up this morning I managed to see
 a bit of the sunrise.  Both Sniff and I are awake
 and enjoying the silence of the morning.

The day is looking to be a great day.
 A little on the chilly side, but will warm up
 a little more.  You can feel fall is in the air. 
 Summer is just about over for Chicago.

Wishing everyone beautiful days.
Good morning all.  Rise up, start fresh and
see the bright opportunity in each day.

Fall asleep with a dream 
and wake up with a purpose...
