Sep 17, 2024

Hmmm...Something toThink About ~

The best years of your life are the ones in which you
 decide your problems are your own. You do not blame 
them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. 
You realize that you control your own destiny..

How many times have you heard so and so 
person blaming everyone but themselves for 
the "raw" deal life has dished out to them. 

 Like you, this is something I see often. Television 
plays a big part in people feeling sorry for themselves,
people refusing to accept responsibilities for their
 lives, and for their mistakes. Kinda sad to see.

We may not all be born under the same circumstances, 
but that does not change the fact that we are all responsible
 for our actions.  I think we are all capable to choose
 right from wrong, but if we do is something else.

So many times I hear, "society has damaged 
him/her"  "she/he is just like her father/mother"

When I hear this it really makes me angry.
  For instance I sometimes hear people saying, 
"poor kid, his/her dad/mom was a terrible person" 

Does this mean that it gives that child a reason to
 be the same?  No, as far as I am concerned that
 person had a choice and they chose to be the
 bad, mean, horrible persons they are.

Same with child abusers, wife beaters.  Just 
because you were abused, does that give you the 
right to do the same to others?  Maybe I am too harsh.  
Maybe I lack sympathy/empathy in some cases.  Not sure,
 but I definitely believe we each have the choice to be as
we want.  What choice we make is entirely up to us.

There are two primary choices in life:
 to accept conditions as they exist, or accept 
the responsibility for changing them.

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. 
The process never ends until we die. And the choices 
we make are ultimately our own responsibility.  
A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure
until he begins to blame somebody else...
