Jan 30, 2019

Wednesday Already ~

When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine...

The days are going by so fast.  Before you know it the
 week will soon be done.  Wednesday already.  Halfway 
there.  Yesterday was so cold we had to actually 
turn on the heat.  First time for this year.  

Hopefully not too many more days of this cold.  Sad 
because  Arvid has some friends visiting from Norway.  

I'm sure they have been looking forward to coming
 to warmer climate, but right now no such luck for them.  
he good thing about the Sunshine State, the cold 
does not last that long. At least we can hope so.

I woke up again and was really cold.  Again I had to
 use my scarf.  Rima gave me this wool scarf many years ago. 
 We lived in Branson and I never used it.  Go figure.
  I'm using it here in Fort Lauderdale.  In Branson 
though it was cold, we were dressed for it.

I don't know what or why, but when we were in Branson 
I was not this cold.  I guess the fact that we were constantly 
busy and on the move did not give us time to dwell on the cold.
  When I stop to think of Branson I miss everyone.  I'm happy to
 still be in contact with a few of my former tenants/friends now.

I stay warm with my scarf on, the heat going and lots of
 green tea during the day.  Arvid keeps busy by doing 
what he does best.  A little of this a little of that.  
Sniff stays busy by taking frequent naps.

Hello Wednesday.  Let's see a little more warmth 
today and a lot more sunshine.  For all of us.
  Winter, it's time you went away.

And when it rains on your parade,
 look up rather than down.  Without the rain
 there would be no rainbow...
