Oct 8, 2017

Happy Sunday ~

There are many beautiful reasons to be happy...

Sunday.  Peaceful.  Quiet and relaxing.  That's what we look forward to the most.
  Arvid has the cold/flu symptoms.  Not to say anything, but I have had it 
for quite some time and I still have to do what needs to be done.  He
 walks around wrapped in a blanket and with a heavy/hoarse voice.

A beer or 2 on Friday actually seemed to help Arvid.  Better yet when
 we have a good friend with us.  Of course we had to go to our favorite wing 
place here in Branson.  Back home in Florida that's  what 
we would have done.  A little outing by the beach,
 beers for Arvid and some chicken wings.

Our day started good.  We had a little over an hour today to Skype
 with the girls.  Can't ask for a better start of this beautiful Sunday morning.
 As you can see Sniff is always part of Skype, even if he's soundly napping.
He wants to be close to us.  Beautiful and happy day to everyone.

Don't let the silly little things steal your happiness...
