Aug 16, 2017

Just Another Wednesday ~

 In terms of procrastination, today has been wildly successful.
Rainy day, good book, coffee, perfection...

Waking up to theses cooler temperatures in the middle of August 
just feels so good.  Temperatures in the 60's and throughout the day
 it gets to the high 70's maybe 80's.  Does not get any better
 than this.  Factor in no humidity and it's just perfect.

My sister in Florida keeps telling me how hot and how humid it is. 
 She has never had a summer in Florida as yet, and to say the least, 
she does not like it at all.  I keep telling her that come winter 
she will be loving it.  Yes come winter it is the best place to be.

My sister and family will be heading to California by the end of August.
  Their home is a mess right now in Virginia.  Packing and packing is
 what they are doing and trust me I know the feeling. 

Yesterday has been one of those days that because of the weather,
 I felt as if I should have been home with a good book and 
some hot chocolate.  The day was foggy and cool.  Love it.

Almost Home and 76 Inn are quite full.  Both places are super quiet
 and calm.  Just like it should be.  The pool is in full swing for at least
 another month maybe a tad bit longer here at Almost Home.  Once 
fall comes it's time to close up and prepare for the cooler temperatures.  

Today is one of those days I really don't feel like doing much. 
 Blame it on the weather.  Makes me want to stay in 
bed and just curl up with a good book, Arvid and Sniff.
 Looking forward t those days one day again.

Today sister number 4 celebrates her birthday.  Together with her family
 they spent it in Puerto Rico a few weeks ago.  Was celebration 
time for both her and her husband whose birthday fall
 in August.  Though she is far away, I always have
 her well being at heart and think of her daily. 

 To all a good day, and if you don't have to head out..well take
 a lazy sloth day.  Move minimally. eat slowly, enjoy life. 

I am seriously having a very very lazy day today.. 
It's only Wednesday and I just don't feel like moving too fast...
