I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's
equal, and I never loved any other man as much...
equal, and I never loved any other man as much...
I'm all grown up. Have had many ups and downs in my life. Through it
all my mom and dad were and have always been there. Distance
was never a factor. They were there and are there for us.
Daddy thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for always
being there. Because of you, I know am a good, kind, compassionate,
determined, strong, sometimes way too stubborn and capable person.
I can never begin to say enough about my dad. From a child to the
woman I am today I have NEVER met another like him. His generosity,
kindness and compassion is one I have not seen inn many. Growing
up my dad was poor. That never stopped him from sharing what
he had with others. He still does it to this day.

My dad is one of those people that when you meet him, you love him.
He thinks of others before he thinks of himself. I do not always
agree with this, but it sure has made him into the man he is,
and for that I love him with all my heart.

As a child my fondest memories of him was my dad always holding
my hand. Always taking me around with him. I may have not wanted
to go everywhere, but I knew that being g with him I was safe and
loved. Nothing else mattered. We all have our heroes. Mine is my dad.
From the day I saw his face I have not stopped loving him.

Today he is my inspiration to be all I can be and to never give up.
My dad is no quitter and he made sure his five daughters aren't either.
Dad you taught me the love of a father. In your arms I was always safe.
You taught me selflessness. To you I am forever grateful. I love you dad.
Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance...