We are so busy watching out for what is ahead of us
that we don't take time to enjoy where we are...
Temperatures here in Missouri can drop anywhere from 30 to 40 degrees in a day.
Just 2 days ago we had a high in the mid 80's now we are seeing the 40's and
to top it all off rain. Looked like wet snow at some point yesterday.
Going up the driveway is treacherous in this weather. Very slippery. I still have
not gotten the courage to drive my car all the way into the garage. I am
afraid of the steepness. When the weather is really bad, like hail and tornadoes,
Arvid drives it into the garage. Has been often these last few weeks.
I can't believe the weekend is already over. Monday already and
time to start it all over again. I am refreshed and ready for
the new week. Lots to do today and that is always good.
To all a good start of the week ahead.
Don't forget to make each moment count.
If you could get the courage to begin,
you have the courage to succeed...
you have the courage to succeed...