Mar 14, 2017

COLD Days...

Cold night.  Warm sweater.  Warm tea good book.
Soft socks and a box of chocolates...

Now we have had enough of this weather.  Yesterday was colder than anything I 
have experienced in a long time, and we have had many a cold days.  This entire 
week is predicted to be COLD!  Take me back to the Sunshine State ASAP!!!

Arvid and I have busy days.  Really busy days.  My feet are frozen and my body is
 aching from the cold.  Sniff at nights curls up very close to either Arvid or I. 
 He is also cold, but at the same time he is enjoying watching the leaves 
fall and the birds fly by.  A whole new world for him.

The snow did not stick around long.  Within a day it was melted and all cleared away,
but the cold sure did not leave us.  Somehow it is colder than when it snowed.

I really enjoyed watching the snow fall and being out in it.  It was just a fun time.
Now I want it to be warm and sunny again.  I heard we may have more snow!

My family is expecting a huge winter storm their way.  Two of my sisters
will be having anywhere from 12-18 inches of snow.  Winter is NOT over with us.

Pi day everyone. Go for it.  We will

Cold days.  Warm hearts.  When it snows
you have two choices shovel or make snow angels...
