Feb 2, 2017

Better Days...

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do...

The best investment I have made for the winter are my boots.  They are not pretty 
to look at, but boy they sure are comfortable.  I have worn them just about 
everyday without even bothering about what matches or not.

As you can see, not the prettiest of boots, but definitely my most comfortable
 pair of shoes right now.  In Florida all I wore were flip flops or 
open toed sandals.  Here very different everything.

Yesterday my sister shared a picture of Kimsy and J when they were just tiny 
little things.  Today they are college kids living in Boston and Connecticut. Where did 
time go and why did it go by so fast?  Everyone is growing up too fast.  Way too fast.

My parents have been instrumental in the lives of their 9 grandchildren. J and Kimsy
 were fortunate that my parents lived in Puerto Rico when they were very little.  The 
bond between my mom and dad and the grand kids (all 9) is special.  Today no matter 
what age they are they all want to go and spend time with grandma and grandpa.

I can't believe that it is already Thursday.  Time is flying by.  Guess that 
is what happens when you're staying busy and having a good time.  
Yes, its been a good week so far.  Warmer temperatures, sunny 
and blue skies.  Someone said the weekend will be very cold.

I have been enjoying some outdoor time these last few days.  
Yes, I try not tothing of the boats passing by and of palm trees too often. 
 Making the most of my scenery for  now.  It is how it is.

Update on Taino.  He's been eating a little the last few days.  He loves Sheba
soft foodies the same as Sniff, so yesterday he received a little delivery from me.
We are so happy he is doing better.  Now Anna can breathe again.  Love you Tino.

Yesterday we had Mexican food for lunch.  Suddenly it has become one of our favorites.  
There are a lot of Mexican restaurants in Branson and this one was actually open. 
 Was a good day.  Wishing everyone a happy and productive Thursday.

Storms don't last forever.  In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity...
