Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going
to determine how you're going to live your life...
to determine how you're going to live your life...
Sundays in Branson..routines are always the same. Arvid called his family. Breakfast
is later than our usual 9am and of course means our Sunday meal is moved an hour
later. Yes, we still have our routines. Sundays now is also a hot chocolate day.
Different place, but one thing that is always consistent is our routines.
Different place, but one thing that is always consistent is our routines.
Christmas is everywhere. My sister Nirmala who lives in Vermont visited my nephew
J and my sister Nirvana in Boston over the weekend. Something I wish I would have been
able to do. They walked around. Checked out the Christmas lights and of course did
shopping and had good food. Boston after all is known for very good food.
A few days ago I saw this and right away I knew it was referring to all my sisters.
They face every challenge with a positive attitude. My sister Rima had surgery two
weeks ago. Of course my parents went to stay with her and to help with the kids.
My parents are the best there is. Anytime we need them they are always
there for us. If I were to need them they would be right here with me.

Take Rima for example. She's the youngest. My mom says she is now the family's guru.
She is always positive and always looking for the good in everyone. Life has thrown
her just like it has to so many of us, some tough moments. All I can say is that
this girl bounces back. They all do, no matter what is thrown at them.

She is my baby sister and I am protective of her. As little girls we
shared the same bedroom at home. We fought, we made up and fought more.
Typical of sisters. Today as grownups we are more than sisters,
we are friends. We don't always agree, but who does.

Everyday I learn something new from each one. many a times
I am amazed at all the things they can do, and that they juggle so much
at the same time yet manage to stay focused and balanced.
I watch them and I am always in awe. Our parents are proud of the way
their daughters turned out. I am proud to be related to these four amazing women.
My sisters and my best friends for life. We are always there for each other.
Good morning everyone. I hope you also have amazing people in your lives.
Be it a sibling, a friend or that special person that makes you feel that everything is
possible, when we try hard and never give up. Life has too many ups and downs, but
the thing is to always go after what you want. We don't always get what we want,
but we will have the satisfaction of knowing we did everything possible.
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the
attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you
as by the way your mind looks at what happens....
their daughters turned out. I am proud to be related to these four amazing women.
My sisters and my best friends for life. We are always there for each other.
Good morning everyone. I hope you also have amazing people in your lives.
Be it a sibling, a friend or that special person that makes you feel that everything is
possible, when we try hard and never give up. Life has too many ups and downs, but
the thing is to always go after what you want. We don't always get what we want,
but we will have the satisfaction of knowing we did everything possible.
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the
attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you
as by the way your mind looks at what happens....