Dec 14, 2016

Hello Hump Day...

Closeness has nothing to do with distance...

No matter where we go, one of the first things I like to do is to have pictures of family . 
 I'm not the type to want to hang pictures everywhere, but one piece with everyone
 together is enough.  And yes, Brutus is always the one favored the most in all
 of them.  Always will be.  He is after all my baby and that will very change.

My "office" has a personal touch to it.  Arvid prefers to have maps and things
 related to real estate in his.  Booth happy with our choices.  Another cold, cold day 
here in Branson.  Sniff and I have been awake for a while now.  He is very
 active in the mornings so I have already played with him quite a lot.

Good morning everyone.  Remember to be happy not because everything
 is good, but because you can see the good in everything.  Last night 
I had my first pina colada in Branson.  Happy, happy.

There is sunshine in my soul today.  It's not how much we
 have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness...
