At Christmas, all roads lead home.
Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone...
One more sleep and it will be Christmas Day. For many it is already Christmas.
Just the thought of Christmas brings back memories that will forever remain with me.
Most of these are from my childhood of Christmases past. What a wonderful time we had.
Maybe then we did not know it for certain, but today looking back I can definitely say it was
one of the best times ever. Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid. Sometimes.

As a tradition on this night our parents used to take us in Old San Juan to see the Three Kings
and the Nativity scene. In my mind those will always be cherished times spent with family.
For us this was a special treat because we would have ice-cream and other goodies out.
It was fascinating even as a child to see all the lights and to see all the people
gathering around town just having a wonderful time. I miss those days.

gathering around town just having a wonderful time. I miss those days.

This year two of my sisters and their families will be in North Carolina celebrating
Christmas with mom and dad. Also celebrating mom's birthday. Unfortunately, we could
not make it even though I tried. The time frames were just colliding with stuff.
It's Christmas Eve, on this day when we were little my dad and mom took
us around and we sang carols, my mom baked and we had a good meal at home
surrounded by love and family. It was always and still is my favorite time of the year.
Be good everyone for Santa Claus is coming tonight. Remember it is not
what we receive that matters, but it's the love we share with each other that will
forever live with us. My Christmas wish is to have Brutus back.
We don't always get what we want, even so it is one of the best times of the year,
and yes, I am missing my Brutus so much and little Shadow as well. I miss
Liliana and the way life was. Life goes on and no matter what, there is
always something to be grateful for. For that I say thank you.
Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of
kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having,
in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time...