Nov 30, 2016

Chilly Start...

Baby it's cold outside...

The day begins on a cold note for us.  For those in the Sunshine State it is always 
warm and for Arvid's family in Norway and mine in other states in the US, 
it is also a cold time.  Never thought that Arvid and I will have these 
temperatures any longer.  At some given time we both lived in
 cold places.  His home was Norway and I lived in NYC.

Was cold, but for over 20 years he has been in the USA and I have been living 
in the Sunshine State.  Neither of us are used to these low digits in the weather, 
but like everyone who does experience this we will also "adapt"

Take a look at the images below.  I'm sure you can tell which is which.  Question is 
where would you rather be right now?  I know for certain that many like the 
snow and the cold weather.  Many in my family do.  Otherwise why
 would they have left life in Florida for cold winters elsewhere?  

Also here in Branson I have met quite a few people, yes I talk to everyone.  
Many have lived in Florida and have told me that they do not miss 
the humidity nor the weather.  Find it difficult to believe especially after
 experiencing the cold first hand again after so long.  But we are 
all different and that's what makes us all unique.

Good morning everyone.  Have a great day and stay bundled up.

Wherever you go, no matter the weather always bring your own sunshine...
