Sep 7, 2016

Focus On The Good...

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.
Complement people.  Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses...

I like clocks.  All kinds of them and here in the city every block seems to have one.  
Reminding you that time is going by and that with time one will hopefully
move on, that with time maybe the grief will lessen and that with
 time there is always room for new beginnings.

But one also has to make the effort because as we know time waits for no one.
 This I know very well.  I also know that time is not measured by clocks, but by
 moments.  It is us who are in control of how we make the most of our time.

I am a work still in progress.  I have some road to cover but I'm always
 open to seeing the best in life.  We have a good life.  It may not be
 exactly as I had pictured it to be, but it sure is good.

I love walking around the city.  I am always interested in all the different food trucks
around.  Makes me want to stop cooking sometimes and just go out and
experience a different cuisine everyday.  It's right at our doorsteps always
 smells good and ohhh so tempting.  Some of today's tempting choices.

Today is going to be a good day.  From now on I will always remind myself
 that no matter what life throws at us there is always, always something
to be grateful for.  So I ask you, what are you grateful for today.

I am grateful for every new day.  I am grateful to have Arvid and Sniff and to be
 able to take beautiful walks together and to appreciate the wonders surrounding us.

To all a very good day.  May we never lose sight of what is important
 in life.  I have to keep reminding myself every so often as well.

I will face whatever comes today with a positive attitude.
A positive attitude will lead to a positive outcome...
